
About Us

About us

About us

We started dodgyone.com after seeing tenants misusing property and disrespecting the contract. It cost almost 20,000 to get property back from the dodgy tenant who was subletting property to prostitutes.

We want other landlords to know the culprit who made our life hell so you can stay safe! Simply landlords helping landlords!

Please publish your story with culprits full details including photos!
  • To provide a forum for landlords to share their experiences and advice. Landlording can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can also be isolating. Landlord support groups provide a forum for landlords to connect with each other and share their experiences, both good and bad. This can be helpful for landlords who are new to the industry or who are facing challenges with their tenants.
  • To help landlords stay up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations. The laws and regulations governing landlord-tenant relations are constantly changing. Landlord support groups can help landlords stay up-to-date on the latest changes so that they can comply with the law and protect their interests.
  • To provide support and advice to landlords who are facing difficult situations. Landlording can be a stressful profession, and there will be times when landlords need support. Landlord support groups can provide support and advice to landlords who are facing difficult situations, such as tenants who are not paying rent or who are damaging the property.
  • To advocate for the rights of landlords. Landlords often have their rights overlooked or violated. Landlord support groups can advocate for the rights of landlords and help to ensure that they are treated fairly.

Overall, landlord support groups can be a valuable resource for landlords. They provide a forum for landlords to share their experiences, stay up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations, get support and advice, and advocate for their rights.

Here are some additional benefits of landlord support groups:
  • Networking opportunities: Landlord support groups can provide landlords with opportunities to network with other landlords in their area. This can be helpful for landlords who are looking for tenants, need advice on repairs, or want to learn more about the landlord-tenant laws in their area.
  • Education: Landlord support groups often offer educational opportunities for landlords. This can include workshops on topics such as tenant screening, rent collection, and landlord-tenant law.
  • Representatives: Landlord support groups may have representatives who can advocate for the interests of landlords at the local, state, or national level. This can be helpful for landlords who are concerned about changes to the landlord-tenant laws or who want to ensure that their voices are heard.

If you are a landlord, I encourage you to consider joining a landlord support group. It can be a valuable resource for you and can help you to be a more successful landlord.